最快移民途徑:澳洲專才計劃 Global Talent Visa
最快1個月獲批澳洲PR 成功率達95%
「GTI計劃」主要對象為10種行業,分別是金融服務及電子科技、健康、教育、基礎設施及旅遊、能源相關專業、資源相關專業、農業食品及科技、循環經濟 、國防、先進製造及太空等。與昔日的移民簽證計劃相比,GTI計劃對申請人的年齡、英語水平及工作經驗均沒有要求
National Innovation Visa (NIV)
可一步到位獲取永久居留簽證,省去了先獲得臨時簽證再申請轉永居的時間和金錢消耗,並允許申請人與配偶以及18歲以下的子女共同移民。 -
相比於創業類的移民簽證,全球人才獨立計劃下的簽證均不需要申請人在澳洲進行高額的投資,同時也沒有安家資金要求,只要在澳洲找到工作並保證年收入,就可以移民了。 -
這簽證無需像技術移民一樣進行打分,只需提供你在所屬的行業獲得的成就,就可以申請了。 -
通過GTI申請的858簽證在提交申請後會獲得特定的標識。憑著這個標識可以獲得最高優先級別的申請處理,能夠在最大程度縮短等待的時間。 -
目前簽證的申請人數量較少,因此審理時間預計為不超過3個月 -
Target sectors
critical technologies
health industries
renewables and low emission technology
agr-food and ag tech
defence capabilities and space
financial services and fintech
infrastructure and transport
Expected salary threshold
Candidates should have the ability to attract a salary at or above the Fair Work high income threshold (FWHIT), which is currently AUD158,500. This figure is adjusted annually on 1 July.
In assessing whether a candidate is likely to have the ability to meet this salary threshold, the Department will consider:
current salary evidenced through payslips or a contract, or
future job offers outlining remuneration, or
recent PhD or Masters graduates in the target sectors.
Apply for the visa
Complete your Distinguished Talent visa application in ImmiAccount.
As part of the application, you will need to be endorsed by a nominator who has a national reputation in the same field as you and is either:
an eligible Australian citizen, resident
eligible New Zealand citizen
an Australian organization.
Processing Time: 3-6 months